Wednesday 4 January 2017

Introduction to MS4 - the A2 exam

The MS4 exam consists of nine separate texts:

  • Three films
  • Three television programmes and
  • Three musical artists

This is a lot of content to get through!

We strongly recommend you divide your notes into at least three, if not nine sections.This will prevent confusion later on and make everything a lot more relaxed. Why not colour code your notes into film, television and music industry?

This diagram demonstrates which concepts and theories you will be writing about for each type of question. Don't worry if some of these seem unfamiliar: there are some new concepts we will be going over in the next sixteen weeks!

The exam: key facts

When is the exam?

Wednesday 7th June 2017 (AM)

How long is it?

2h 30 (150 minutes)

How much time on each question?

40 mins

How much planning time?

10 minutes per question

How many weeks in College do we have to prepare?


When are mocks?

w/c 7th  February

What are the key differences between the MS2 (AS) and MS4 (AS) exam?

  • Detailed, extended answers
  • All questions worth the same amount of marks
  • Texts are now set in stone: you know exactly which nine media products you need to refer to!
  • Responses require a definite argument/point of view
  • Lots of different ways to answer questions


Here's an example answer that Michael wrote for the mock last year on representation (you'll get more exemplar responses as the year progresses)