Saturday 17 April 2021

Michael's 2nd year revision lesson no. 1

Explore the ways in which representations are encoded through media language in the front page of this edition of The Daily Mail

Your task today is to plan a response and to at least write an introduction to the above question, using the now familiar exam techniques we've been using. This is open book, so feel free to chat with the person sitting next to you. Share your DAC paragraph, and revise the newspaper key terms together!

Remember, even if newspapers do not come up in the first assessment (they will definitely not come up in the second assessment or the third one!), the textual analysis you will be practising here will help you prepare for whatever print media comes up!

Click on the image, and look at it carefully
    Underline the key terms
      Come up with a 'knee-jerk reaction'
        Make a plan: just spew words on to the paper! One could literally be just 'captions!'
          Write a DAC introduction (that's definition, argument, context!)
            And finally, get stuck in to the nitty gritty of you PEA paragraphs
              And finally finally, write a short conclusion, which just sums up your argument