Lots of Zoella facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- When she started her vlog, she was working as an apprentice interior designer! OMG!!!!
- She was criticised for releasing a 12 door £50 advent calendar! LOL!
- She was removed from the EDUQAS GCSE media specification for writing about sex toys on her vlog! Wow!!!!!!
- Girl Online, her first book, was written by a ghostwriter, despite what her fans said!!!!!
- She is a psychic and can foretell the future (precognition) Amazing!!!!!!!
- Won a Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award for Favourite UK Vlogger! Go girl!!!!?!
- Her novel sold more copies than Harry Potter (in the first week). Damn!
- Criticised for making old tweets with homophobic and classist language! OMG!!!!!
- Her first vlog was uploaded in 2009! Old!