For this lesson, you will be selecting whatever three scenes you want, and building an analytical case study around it. Since we have focused almost exclusively on the big and tough theories of postmodernism and gender performativity, we have glossed over some more straightforward theories. Let's sort this out!
1 - Pick scenes
Select three scenes. They do not have to be scenes that we've studied in class. Go wild!
2 - Revise theory
You will be using the following theoretical perspectives, so spend a few minutes revising and remembering what they are all about. Make a slide for each theory; also included is a little hint for the kind of question that you can use this theory to answer!
- Tzvetan Todorov - narrative equilibrium - how are narratives constructed?
- Stuart Hall - theories of representation - how do representations convey the ideology of the producer?
- Liesbet Van Zoonen - feminism and representation of gender - how and why are different genders represented differently?
- bell hooks - intersectional feminism - what complex representations of gender are constructed ? And why?
3 - Analyse!
Use these theoretical perspectives to analyse key scenes. We've been doing this in every lesson for weeks now, so it's more of the same, but more straightforward.
Make your slides nice. I will be asking you to Teams me screenshots of your best analyses to create an analysis megapost to help students around the world revise for A-level media studies!