Wednesday 13 June 2018

Competition - submit a new blog header/front page image

I really like the current image, but it's not ours. In fact, Google reverse image search isn't even throwing up a result, so we've no idea who did it. Essentially we've stolen an image, and this is bad.

So we would like you to submit images for the new header. These images can be of anything you like, and we would like as many submissions as possible, including multiple submissions from each student. Ideally, however, it would tick one or more of the following boxes:


  • A high quality still from your music video
  • Vertical aspect ratio (current image is 1044x1600 pixels or similar, so something along these lines)
  • TV screens
  • An image from your magazine or newspaper project
  • An image taken for another subject, for example photography
  • An image that you specifically take for this project by borrowing a media camera
  • Something related to social issues


  • Clear images of a student's face
  • Anything illegal (:


Don't just submit a single image image, but submit a bunch.

How to submit

Following the usual submissions link, you should find a folder called 'blog header submission'. Please place it in here. And make sure you name your image as your first name. If you're in Jack's group, ask how he would like your images to be submitted.

You will be credited via a small watermark on the image. Please let us know when you submit if you don't want to be named.


To get you in the mood, here's a selection of images I like the look of. However, feel free to diversify. Frankly you can submit whatever you want (within reason).

All images below copyright of their original owners.