Feedback legend
i - Media language - you are not using enough key media language! Make sure to revise the textual analysis toolkit. Remember, without media language, you are giving a common sense response!
ii - Knowledge and understanding - you are not familiar enough with the set texts... or you are simply not getting this knowledge across in the response. Re-read/watch the media products we have studied in class!
iii - The big concepts- you are not making enough considered reference to concepts such as ideology, cultivation, patriarchal hegemony, polysemic readings and so on. Revise and apply advanced media concepts for a better result.
iv - Theorists - You are not referring to theories and theorists by name. Sort it out!
Advice for individual questions
Component 1 A
In what ways do music videos encode viewpoints and ideologies? Make reference to Formation by Beyoncé and Riptide by Jack Vance*. [30]

Additionally, when discussing ideology, you must discuss how encoding an ideology reinforces this message for the target audience. In this sense, the producer is manipulating the audience!
*Finally, well done to those of you who corrected the name of the performer of Riptide in your responses. It's Vance Joy. Jack Vance is sci-fi author, though I have never read any of his books. Mysterious! (Seriously though, please refer to Vance Joy by his proper name in the real exam, otherwise you will lose marks).
Component 1 B

Explore the ways in which production, distribution and circulation have shaped the newspapers you have studied. Make reference to The Daily Mirror and The Times. [15]
This question asks you to make reference to The Times and The Daily Mirror. Not enough of you actually did this. Additionally, many times students would begin a paragraph namechecking distribution or circulation, but would then describe, in general detail, what a newspaper looks like.
For this question, it's pretty much essential to point out the following:
- The Mirror's readership has declined (18% in 2017!)
- The Mirror's readership is higher than The Times, though The Times has a more stable readership
- Both newspapers target different demographics
- The Mirror in particular has embraced online distribution in the form of the website
- The recent rebranding of Trinity Mirror as Reach PLC
- The fact that the company now known as Reach PLC are the largest regional newspaper publisher
Component 2
To what extent has sociohistorical context influenced representations in the magazines you have studied? Make reference to both Adbusters and Woman. [30]