Monday, 4 June 2018

Key assessment three - questions

First year Media Studies students: welcome back! We hope you had a relaxing half term holiday. While you are currently in the middle of your component three music video coursework, for one week only you will take a break from editing and filming during lessons, and you will be preparing for your next mock exam, which you will sit on the final lesson of this week.

Because we're in a generous mood, we're going to give you the questions almost a week in advance. You will still need to sit the exam 'closed book', with no notes, internet access or any other help, but you will have the opportunity to prepare precisely for these questions. This is not a luxury you will have for the final exam, but it means your revision can be of a much higher quality. It also means that we as teachers have very high expectations of you...

Here are the questions. Timings work out to just over a minute a mark.

Key assessment three – 80 minutes

Component 1 A

In what ways do music videos encode viewpoints and ideologies? Make reference to Formation by Beyoncé and Riptide by Jack Vance.  [30]

Component 1 B

Explore the ways in which production, distribution and circulation have shaped the newspapers you have studied. Make reference to The Daily Mirror and The Times. [15]

Component 2

To what extent has sociohistorical context influenced representations in the magazines you have studied? Make reference to both Adbusters and Woman.  [30]