First year students have lots on their plate at the moment, with the music video coursework, UCAS applications and the upcoming parents evening. We've been hitting you with lots of emails, but to save you some confusion, here's a handy checklist of everything you have to do. If you find yourself getting behind, please contact your teacher ASAP.
- Film and edit your music video
- Respond to the UCAS questionnaire email to help your teacher write a detailed an excellent UCAS reference
- Email your teacher every time you are filming during lesson time - your email has got to be detailed!
- Make a note of the new and revised deadlines for the music video (click here to find them!)
- Talk to your teacher to arrange a parent teacher consultation
- Wait patiently to find out your mock exam results (Either Monday 17th or Tuesday 18th of June), then read the detailed feedback on the blog!
- Tell your teacher in as much detail as possible about any technical issues you may be experiencing to help the IT department fix them (check this post out for help)
- Attend the video workshop sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday for expert advice and a chance to boost your grade
- Research courses for your UCAS application: your teacher can help, especially if they are media related!