Monday 16 December 2019

Michael's cover work first year: preparing for key assessment two - the newspaper industry

Key assessment two is the first week back after the Christmas holiday. It's a full-on mock exam designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the newspaper industry.

While you don't know the exact question(s) that will come up, you have been told that it will focus on the set editions The Times and The Daily Mirror and it will be closed book (no access to notes).

Below are a series of links to resources on the blog to help you revise.

If you put the work in RIGHT NOW, you will have WAY less revision to complete over the holidays!


A structured analysis task of The Times

In-depth analysis of the Mirror... by YOU!

Bias and agenda in UK newspapers 

The set texts you need to memorise (!)

How news media is standardised

Exemplar answers for newspaper style questions (note: these use different examples to you guys, but they're still VERY HELPFUL)

Example content for an example question 

Industry fact file

You can also check out the PowerPoints and the revision guide (new edition coming soon!) to help you with your revision.