What is a music video?
A combination of video and music? But this refers to everything!
A video that tells a story that goes with the music? Well, so is a film...
A music video is an advert for a song. It is a promotional item
Yet, music music follow their own specific conventions. Even though they are arguably just a form of advertising, they are also objectively an art form in their own right
How can we demarcate music videos from cinema?
Demarcation: the process of splitting things in to sperate, distinct categories. Also known as delineation
Both films and music videos combine sound and vision to create meaning for the audience. But they are absolutely, totally different. But how?
- In general, films may have significantly higher budgets
- Films tend to have a significantly longer run time
- Audiences typically expect to pay to watch a film
- Exhibition context: films are traditionally shown in cinemas, while music videos are now typically streamed online
- Music takes a different function in films.
- The use of sound in music videos is often extremely complex, and extradiegetic in nature (see below)
- Music videos typically lack dialogue
- Music videos feature the artist as a characters rather than actors
- Music videos may lack a conventional narrative
- Music videos are regulated differently to films
- Music is the primary focus of music videos
- In music videos, typically there is a stronger relationship between video and music (cutting to the beat)
Diegesis and the world of sound
Diegetic: in the world of the narrative
Diegetic sound: sound situated within the narrative. Typically, the characters in the product could hear this sound!
Examples: birds squawking, speech, dialogue, Atmospheric sound, music with an onscreen source
Non-diegetic sound: sound outside of the world of the narrative
Examples: 99% of the time, this refers to 'score' music
Extra-diegetic sound: sound which exists between diegesis, for example narration, or music in a music video
How is celebrity encoded in the video to Judas by Lady Gaga?
- Eccentric, over the top and striking makeup choices throughout the video
- Her costume is even more outlandish than her backing dancers, who are typically wearing uniforms. She forms a binary opposition to everyone else
- She has a designated colour, blue, which is striking and makes her stand out, yet it also anchors significant religious significance, creating a blasphemous and controversial mode of address
- Revealing and daring costumes symbolise sexual confidence and attractiveness
- Use of high key lighting creates a spotlight effect, emphasising Gaga's attractiveness and importance
- Use of colour isolation constructs a binary between the colourful Gaga and the colourless apostles