Monday 9 May 2022

Everything first year's need to know about the final term (2022 edition)


What happens when?

Here's a timetable

How long do we get to film?

Officially three weeks. We ask the first week is spent purely filming and dropping off your footage

Can we shoot on our phones?


Take out some of our equipment instead. It's much easier to use the resultant footage. See below for how to take out equipment

When do we start editing? 

Officially Monday 6th June, but you can start editing from Monday 16th May IF you have footage to edit

How long do we get to edit?

Three weeks, but you can start earlier

How do I take out equipment?

Fill out a form (get it from Sam), then fill out the online booking form on this blog, then head to the hatch to get out your equipment. Times and so on can be found on the booking page

How do we register?

You MUST email me a short email saying what you are doing, who you are with and where you are. If you do not email just before or during, I cannot mark you present!

  • Email with what you are doing for every lesson you are out filming
  • The email must be sent during the normal time of your lesson (or just before)
  • Do not email hours or days in advance
  • You cannot email on behalf of other people
  • If you do not email before the end of your scheduled lesson, and you do not attend, you will be marked absent

I can't film so can I plan at home?

No. Please come in to your lesson as normal. You are only permitted to not attend the lesson if you are filming, and if you email your teacher with what you are doing!

What if I have nothing to film?

Then come along to your lesson as normal! The room will be open, and your teacher will be teaching. However, especially if you have no footage, we will gently push you to go out and film...

I don't really know what I'm doing/everything's going wrong/my group have stood me up

That's OK! Just come to your lesson as normal, and we will get you up to speed

If something has gone wrong, tell your teacher as quickly as possible. We can and will sort it out. But if you don't tell us, we can't help you!

Mock exam

When is it?

Wednesday 29th June 2022. In the morning

Do we have a special timetable that week?

Yes. You will be emailed information if you haven't been already

How long is it?

80 minutes (100 minutes with 25% extra time)

Is it going to be in the hall?

Yes! It's a serious mock, with invigilators and everything


To get you prepared for your final exam

What's going to be on it?

This list is subject to change, but

  • Q1 - 30 minutes - music video textual analysis - media language
  • Q2 - 30 minutes - Woman magazine - representation
  • Q3 - 20 minutes - Media industries - short answer questions

We won't be giving away the precise questions. All timings are suggestions only. But very strong suggestions...

But aren't we making our music videos then?


How will we revise?

The week before, starting Monday 20th June is a mock prep week, with standard lessons. However, you can start revising now you know the general content of the exam!

How does the mock affect progression on to second year?

The mock is one of four things we will consider alongside

  • Work completed in class (blog work, mock exams and notes)
  • Work completed in the music video coursework (preproduction, filming, editing, organisation), and
  • Attendance