If you have even the slightest issue, tell your teacher
Remember, if we don't know about any problems you have had while filming or issues with editing, then we can't help you. Our perception of how hard you have worked will affect your grade. So if you're running behind schedule, let your teacher know, and we can work out a plan B.
If you're not in lesson, then you must film

For every lesson you do not attend, email your teacher
This rule still applies. We need to know exactly what you are doing, where, and with who. Don't be offended if your teacher doesn't respond, but assumed that they have seen it.
You should start editing now
Last week (W/C 8th May) was your principal photography week. Ideally you should have at least 60% of your video filmed by now. You should start editing as soon as possible to work out what footage you need to re-shoot.
Always take the footage off the SD card before returning equipment
The first thing the technician does is to delete the contents of the SD card, so you WILL lose everything that has not already been saved. You have been warned!
Your rough cut is due at the end of the week commencing 11th June
Never edit off a memory stick or SD card. Only edit on a college computer, using the same computer each time, placing your video files in to a stable folder
If ANY of the above made you go 'uh?', then make sure you have a teacher or technician with you when you first create your project. There's a few very easy ways to completely destroy your project, so please, don't be 'that student' who looses everything!