Wednesday 16 May 2018

MS4 revision - more examples of sophisticated arguments

To what extent are the key representations in your three main texts stereotypical?

Straightforward argument - yes they do, though Mad Max challenges these...

Sophisticated argument - ...for the producer to demonstrate their ideology and to reinforce hegemonic rules and values.

key terms

Ideology - The producer's beliefs and values which are encoded within the text
Hegemony - The rules and power systems which are followed in society and are enforced through societal norms

Spectre - Madeline kidnapped - Argument - Through her consistent sexualisation, Madeline's kidnap is presented as sexual gratification for the heterosexual male target audience. By reinforcing patriarchal hegemonic gender roles, the producer deliberately manipulates the target audience ensures financial success for Eon films. The James Bond series, which now stands at 24 official films consistently cultivates an ideology of female oppression, further normalsing the inequality between men and women in society.

MM:FR - Furiosa the sniper - Argument - By demonstrating masculine characteristics, Furiosa is  atypically represented as dominant over Mad Max. Miller here chooses to subvert stereotypical hegemonic gender roles to offer the audience an alternative to stereotypical gender roles. by presenting a powerful woman in the role of protagonist, Miller presents an exiting take on the post apocalyptic thriller genre, guaranteed to bring audiences in to the cinema. This strategy was successful, as Fury Road made almost $380 million at box office compared to a $150 million budget.

Thanks to the students who contributed to these arguments.