Wednesday 17 October 2018

Q block bonus lesson - UK sci-fi and open evening prep

If you are in Q block and if you are reading this, congrats! You have a bonus lesson today that the other blocks don't!

You are going to spend your time creating resources for other students. This will allow you to share the advantages of you additional lesson.

Pick one or more tasks from this list:

1) Create a fact-file for a science fiction or related TV programme to be published on the blog

This is the big one. The show can be from any era, from any country, any time, and any style. We're using sci-fi in the broadest possible sense. The Americans have a great term - 'genre fiction', and this is what I'm looking for. Any quirkiness, an intentional address to a cult audience, and themes of the fantastic. So not just Star Trek and Dr Who, but also A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Good Place, Luke Cage, American Gods... whatever! It will be published on the blog and it will help other students out loads.

Use these headings:

  • Codes and conventions (media language)
  • Genre conventions
  • Representation
  • Narrative
  • Reception 
  • Allegorical aspects/real world themes

2) Create a wall display illustrating your favourite theory/theorist

Lots of examples will help to keep the display functional and interesting.

3) Create an 'A-level media studies' sign that does not feature Michael in any way

Think "I want my child to do this subject", not "let's skip this one".

4) Create funky images for the A-level media studies revision guide

The revision guide needs some sprucing up. Take a look at it, and think about what you want to contribute.

5) Stick up some summer work

There's a whole bunch of summer work to stick up on the wall. Two years worth. Sorry.