Monday 4 March 2019

Photography and photographers

This post is designed for 60 credit media diploma students, who are about to start a unit on photography. However, this post will be of importance for A-level media students, as it provides insight in to other related aspects of art and design. You should also be consistently be exposing yourself to new and challenging media regardless of which courses you have chosen. Art, be it a painting or a film or a videogame has the potential to alter the way in which we see the world and to challenge our preconceptions of life, love and society. 

This post is particularly related to the study of Adbusters, which is essentially a design and photography journal with an anti-capitalist ideology.

Though the images here are all 'worksafe', please remember that when researching the artists featured, you may come across more challenging images that feature depictions of nudity. 

Unlike art, there are fewer specific 'movements' in the history of photography. This is for two major reasons: photography has often been seen as a poor cousin to fine art, and has seen less classifications as a result. Additionally, photography is a relatively new medium, and has only really been viable for around 130 years.

Photography has exploded in terms of popularity, and it punctuates every aspect of our lives, from adverts, to fashion, to art, to recreation, to social media. Below you will find some examples of photographers of a range of different styles to inspire you.

Daido Moriyama

Martin Parr

Joel Meyerowitz

David Baily

Guy Bourdin

Richard Billingham

Man Ray

Wim Wenders

Steven Shore

Cindy Sherman

Barbara Kruger