Tuesday 6 October 2020

Analysis of print advertisements for beauty products

 P block

  • Location: city has connotations of professional upmarket lifestyle
  • Lexis of 'New York' acts as anchorage for the audience, reinforcing the idea of New York, which has connotations of an exciting, busy life
  • Muted colour palette draws attention to the product instead of the setting
  • Intense high key lighting emphasises models face demonstrating that she is the focal image
  • Target audience of women: use of clearly female model suggests makeup is targeting a female audience
  • Direct mode of address: model looks directly at audience, demonstrating her power, confidence and importance
  • Slogan: "maybe it's Maybelline" catchy and easy to remember for the target audience (working class audience?)
  • Models use of makeup is 'natural' and unobtrusive, which draws attention to her eyelashes
  • Gesture: slightly open mouth functions a hermeneutic code, forcing the audience to answer the question "what is she about to say?"
  • Slightly open lips may also function as a proairetic code, suggesting that she is about to kiss someone. Suggests to audience that putting on maybelline makeup will make them more sexually attractive
  • Use of city as mise-en-scene suggests the mascara is everyday, normal use product. Highly polysemic advert
  • Mise-en-scene of other woman walking creates contrast between 'normal' looking woman in the background and the 'beautiful' Denise Richards, again suggests the makeup will make the audience beautiful
  • Emphasis on model's eyes reinforces the importance of having beautiful eyes
  • Unnatural setting and strange place to put on makeup (a busy street!) gives the audience some fantasy elements
  • Contrasting colours reinforce the notion of a "boldly thickened look", further emphasising through anchorage
  • Model's face takes up approx 50% of image, (close up) demonstrates importance of the model
  • Enigma code of "maybe she's born with it"

  • Blue background forms a stark contrast with the model's red lips, suggesting her bold personality. Functions as a symbolic code
  • New York is symbolic of wealth and luxury, suggesting that this is a luxurious product for a wealthy audience
  • Hermeneutic code: model gazes out of the advert, directly at the audience, creating a sense of mystery
  • Flower is symbolic of passion of love, which is further anchored by the lexis of the word 'passion' 
  • Mise-en-scene of model's pale face suggests that she is stereotypically beautiful
  • Layout of range of shades helps the advert to target as large an audience as possible
  • Slogan 'Make it happen': connotations of opportunity and excitement, much like new york!
  • Lexis of 'passion and passionate' link to flowers, love and kissing
  • Blue and red create a juxtaposition, creating a symbolic message of two opposing ideals
  • New York: connotations of 'dreams coming true', the american dream 
  • Use of bold colours, reference to Marilyn monroe and other famous women? Referential code
  • Word it ∫is highlighted in red, meaning it functions as an hermeneutic code, creating a sense of mystery for the audience
  • Use of block capital, sans serif font constructs a bold message for the target audience 

R block

  • Use of colour beige reflects a calm, toned down atmosphere, promoting Mabeline as a 'natural' beauty product
  • Proairetic code of mid shot of model on the roof of an exclusive building suggests that she is about to go out and to go clubbing
  • Model looks out into distance, forming an hermeneutic code for the audience. Who is she looking at?
  • Slogan: make it happen. It functions as a hermeneutic code. Sexual connotations? open to audience polysemic (many meanings)
  • Use of high key lighting symbolises happiness, excitement and life
  • Close up shot of model emphasises her beauty, including the mise-en-scene of her clear skin
  • Mise-en-scene of studio lighting symbolises confidence and a high class luxury lifestyle
  • Compact layout: two shots of woman, information, product. Working class audience? 
  • Lexis: the brightest side of flawless: demonstrates the product is superior to its rivals
  • Natural makeup references the individual of the model, and potentially the individuality of the audience
  • Font: black, capital letters, sans serif: simple and easy to read
  • @new super cushion" - hyperbole
  • Direct mode of address - talks directly to a young, heteroseusl female audience
  • Seductive icongography - looking direction, smirking...
  • Lexis: NEW YORK: busy lifestyle! Glamourous!
  • Use of "two in one" suggests audience is getting better value for money
  • Red top and shoes demonstrates sexualised and confident ideology: selling a sexy and confident life 
  • Shiny undertones, use of gold and silver: connotations of luxury
  • Body posture demonstrates model is confident yet relaxed, and carefree
  • Repetition of image demonstrates that the model is the singular and most important aspect of the image