Tuesday 6 October 2020

How does mise-en-scene construct meaning in these high end fashion adverts?

P block

  • The mise en scene of the warm, natural lighting, connotes themes of calmness and tranquillity 
  • The selection of older models indicates that the brand is targeting a more mature audience
  • The mise-en scene of books and papers suggests that the two models are working, and have a high status occupation
  • Francis ford coppola's unbuttoned shirt connotes his relaxed demeanour and his suave and sophisticated nature 
  • Sophia Coppola's bare feet symbolises freedom, confidence and her ability to both work and relax simultaneously

T block 

  • White is symbolic of cleanliness and innocence, which suggests, suggesting luxury and exclusivity
  • The mise en scene of the classic car further reinforces ideas of luxury and wealth
  • The mise en scene of the model's jewelry suggests classiness, subtlety, and her romantic availability
  • Getting in to the back seat of the car suggests the model is able to afford a chauffeur 
  • The model's pink knitted cardigan suggests that she is comfortable, approachable.
  • Selena Gomez is a well known american singer and actor, who already has ties to the fashion industry with her makeup 

R block


  • Prominent use of logo emphasises the high end and well known quality of the brand itself
  • Classy yet eccentric, odd and over the top choice of fashion 
  • Mise en scene of the shopping trolly suggests a bland, normal and even boring existence 
  • Canted angle suggests quirkiness edginess and a low-fi sensibility which contrasts with the extremely expensive clothes the models are wearing