Monday 28 November 2022

First year mock exam feedback tasks

 You have recently completed a mock exam. And, if you are reading this post, you will have probably been emailed a mysterious set of letters, numbers and colours. This is your mock exam grade, marks, and feedback. Please follow the following steps to get the most out of this.

1 - Check your email

Hopefully you've been emailed your results. If not, it's either because you haven't done the mock exam (in which case do it now! You can find the questions in the link below...) or I don't have your blog URL, in which case please email me and I can check it out as soon as possible.

In this email you'll find the stat block. If you just want your grade, it's the letter (followed by a number). But there's more information too!

2 - Click here and read this entire post

You'll need to click here and read this entire post. I don't want to sound snippy, but about 95% of your questions are answered in this post. So please read it.

3 - Answer the following question

After you have fully read the post linked above (again, if you didn't, it's important! Click here!), you should answer the following questions as a blog post:

a) What grade did you get? Is this the grade you were expecting? Why did you get this grade?

b) What feedback numeral (i, ii, iii) did you get? What does this mean? What does your teacher think you should work on next time? Do you agree? (It's OK to disagree!)

c) Looking at the marks, what questions did you do well on? What do you need to improve on?

d) The number one reason why students got lower grades is that they missed out a question. This wrecks your overall grade. What can you do next time to address this?

4 - Apply what you have learned to this task

Click here.  Click the front page of the Daily Mirror (Zero Shame). Save it, and insert it in to your blog post. Then, plan a response to the following question:

In what ways does the 'Zero Shame' Daily Mirror front page use media language to communicate meaning to it's target audiences? You should make reference to:

  • Codes and conventions
  • Layout and design
  • Composition
  • Images/photographs - camera shot type, angle, focus
  • Font size, type of font (e.g. serif/sans serif), colour 
  • Mise-en-scène – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
  • Graphics, logos etc.
  • Language – slogan/tagline and copy 
  • Anchorage of images and text [15 marks/30 minutes]
You can either do this question (again, a PLAN rather than an actual full response, so bullet points are fine) as a pair or individually.

5 - Extension

Stick in some headphones, and try and answer the above question under timed conditions using the plan you have just made!