Monday, 21 January 2019

First year three hour fun time media bonanza

Mini mock

How does the front cover of the set edition of Woman reflect the socio-historical context in which it was made? Make reference to the front cover and one other article from the set edition. Yes you can look at your notes, and the toolkit. But don't copy/paste anything. We can see you.

20 minutes prep

40 minutes writing

Peer marking

This is a simplified mark scheme to assess the work of your media buddy. It's basically the same as what teachers use when assessing your work.

Firstly, read the essay. As you read it, underline or highlight every example of media language (toolkit language) or media terminology (eg. patriarchal hegemony, ideological perspective, paradigmatic feature etc etc etc). If there's a lot of underlined words, it is likely that the essay is going to score highly. Not guaranteed, but more likely.

Secondly , read through the statements. There are different statements in each 'band'. Pick the statement that best suits the essay you read.

A band is a level of attainment. It doesn't quite match up to a grade, but it pretty much does. The reason why it says 5, 4, 3 etc instead of A, B, C etc is that the mars required for a certain grade change year after year, depending on the attainment of the country as a whole. So if marks go up, so will grade boundaries. So if you genuinely get a rock hard question in the real exam, don't fret. If everyone found it hard, then the grade boundaries will go down!

Finally, pick a score within the range given by the band. For example, if you decide the essay is reasonable and satisfactory, then it's band three. But if it's almost 'good' then give it 9/15. If in doubt, mark it down. This is the OPPOSITE of what examiners are trained to do, but remember it's not an exact science. Sorry to any examiners reading this.

Band 5 

•Excellent knowledge and understanding
•Detailed analysis and use of theory
•Excellent examples
•Detailed reference to set product

Band 4 

•Good knowledge and understanding
•Logical analysis and use of theory
•Good examples
•Good reference to set products

Band 3 

•Satisfactory knowledge and understanding
•Reasonable and straightforward analysis
•Reasonable examples
•Reasonable reference to set products

Band 2 

•Basic knowledge and understanding
•Descriptive analysis
•Attempt at examples
•Basic reference to set product

Band 1 

•Minimal knowledge and understanding
•Superficial analysis
•No examples
•Almost no reference to set products

Band 0 

•No knowledge and understanding
•No analysis
•No examples
•No reference to set products

Follow a Photoshop tutorial

Create revision materials using Photoshop

Create a magazine cover that constructs a subversive representation of gender

Photoshop practice - do something strange

Learning conversation

Consider the following questions, which will be used as prompts for your learning conversation today

  • What do you think has gone particularly well so far this year? What are your strengths?
  • What is stopping you from achieving your goals? What threats might you face, (for example not enough time, lack of organisation, pressure from other subjects...)
  • Identify 3 specific targets for yourself for the rest of this year. They can be both academic and organisational goals.
  • What grade do you want to achieve in media studies?
  • Do you have any suggestions about the course?