In this session, you will play a number of games, and observe others doing so. Complete the following tasks during the lesson.

Fallout 4 (Bethesda, 2015)
What is the narrative style of the game? (non/linear? Equilibrium? Disruptions?)
What genre (s) can you identify? (paradigms, iconography, hybridity etc.)
How are we as an audience interacting with the game?
Does the game appeal to a mainstream or a niche audience? How?
What is the preferred reading of the game?
Dark Souls 3 (From, 2016)
What is the narrative style of the game? (non/linear? Equilibrium? Disruptions?)
What genre (s) can you identify? (paradigms, iconography, hybridity etc.)
How are we as an audience interacting with the game?
Does the game appeal to a mainstream or a niche audience? How?
What is the preferred reading of the game?