Monday 21 January 2019

How does the third Death Stranding trailer construct audiences?

  • Intentionally bizarre iconography, and completely lacking in genre conventions
  • Many invitations for active audiences to create 'fan theories' and to decide what they believe the game is actually about
  • However naturally, this can be disappointing for audiences who do not get what they expect
  • Actors, famous A-list Hollywood actors, and their likenesses being placed within the game. VERY high production values, and VERY high budget
  • Sony funding an extremely expensive and likely fail videogame in exchange for exclusivity. An example
  • Little merchandising options, a direct contrast to Assassin's Creed, and little opportunity for DLC or multiple sequels
  • Immersive array of shot types. Positions the audience directly with Sam/Reedus. Single take: exceptionally hard to achieve in film, though possible with CG
  • Hideo Kojima's name being repeated thrice indicates the potential for the game to be marketed to a pre sold audience, aware of Kojima's other works (Snatcher, Metal Gear, Policenauts etc)