How does the third Death Stranding trailer construct audiences?
Intentionally bizarre iconography, and completely lacking in genre conventions
Many invitations for active audiences to create 'fan theories' and to decide what they believe the game is actually about
However naturally, this can be disappointing for audiences who do not get what they expect
Actors, famous A-list Hollywood actors, and their likenesses being placed within the game. VERY high production values, and VERY high budget
Sony funding an extremely expensive and likely fail videogame in exchange for exclusivity. An example
Little merchandising options, a direct contrast to Assassin's Creed, and little opportunity for DLC or multiple sequels
Immersive array of shot types. Positions the audience directly with Sam/Reedus. Single take: exceptionally hard to achieve in film, though possible with CG
Hideo Kojima's name being repeated thrice indicates the potential for the game to be marketed to a pre sold audience, aware of Kojima's other works (Snatcher, Metal Gear, Policenauts etc)