Thursday 19 March 2020

Remote learning 2020

Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, all schools and colleges in the United Kingdom have closed until further notice. However, teaching continues.

You can find a guide to remote learning, including answers to frequently asked questions by clicking here. 

You can find an index of videos uploaded to the YouTube channel here

Below is a list of all lessons and relevant resources posted during this period. Please make sure that for every lesson that is posted, you complete and publish a blog post with notes, answers and responses to the activities.

Year one

Week one - introduction to music videos and an analysis of Riptide

1 - Introduction to music videos
2 - Riptide: analysis, themes and context
3 - Riptide: symbolic readings and the representation of women

Week two - representation and media language in Formation 

3 - Formation - representation

Week three - music video analysis

1 - Music video analysis: free choice
2 - Music video analysis: Riptide comparison 
3 - Music video analysis: Formation comparison 

The videogame industry

Videogames 1 - Introduction to the videogame industry
Videogames 2 - Videogames are a specialised industry
Videogames 3 - Assassin's Creed: the role of trailers in marketing
Videogames 4 - Ubisoft, media diversity, and economic factors in the videogame industry
Videogames 5 - the regulation of the videogame industry