Tuesday 2 February 2016

Brave: wider reading

In recent years, there has been something of an explosion of theorists and online commentators exploring Disney films. This is obviously excellent news for A2 Media students currently studying Brave. The following articles are excellent examples of wider reading, not just for second years brushing up on their film industry revision, but also AS Media students who wish to explore genre, narrative and representation further.

Corine Purtill writes that while modern "[Disney] princesses are a sassier, pluckier bunch", in actuality female characters have less lines than they did in "vintage" era Disney.

Rebecca Hains critiques the idea that Merida in Brave subverts gender stereotypes, and also looks in to claims of how original the film actually is.

Jaclyn Friedman, on the other hand is excited about how the 'action princess' archetype has evolved over the last 80 odd years of Disney princess's, but is frustrated that while Merida is a step in the right direction, she is still essentially a "princessed-out action hero".

Liz Matsushita discuss on her blog about strong female characters in Disney specifically looking at Brave

The director of Brave criticizes the changes made to the Merida doll, saying it amounts to 'sexualisation' (great example for patriarchal hegemony!) 

Thanks Amanda and Emma for the links. If anybody has more examples of interesting articles on genre, narrative or representation in Brave or any featured Media text, please let us know, and you will be credited!