Tuesday 6 September 2016

Welcome back year two!

From the whole of the Media team at Long Road, we'd like to emphasise how proud we are of your results and the amount of hard work you put in to your revision. If you didn't quite get the grade you were hoping for, now is the time to talk to your teacher and to make sure you know how to address this.

The second year of your course is more challenging, but more rewarding. You will finish your research investigation before starting to consider the music industry and how important music videos are for artists both major and independent. You will then move on to creating your own music video with the technical skills and industry knowledge you have picked up.

After the Christmas holiday, you will return to prepare for the end of year exam. Unlike AS, where anything can come up, the questions in A2 are far more specific. You will study three films, three television programmes and three musical artists in significant detail, all of which you will be expected to write about in the final exam.

It's going to be tough, but this is the opportunity to really demonstrate both your technical and analytical skills. AS covered the basics, and now your teacher will push you to reach your potential. Through hard work, asking questions and rigorous wider reading, by the end of this year you will be in a perfect opportunity to pursue higher education or taking the next step to a career in the creative arts.

Below you can find an at-a-glance plan for the whole second year of Media Studies. Just remember, all dates are subject to change, but this should give you a fairly good idea of what's coming up when.

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