Monday 31 October 2016

Music video production - timeline

At this point, second year students will be working on their music video productions. You have worked hard during the preproduction, and with some planning and thinking ahead, things should run smoothly for your shooting and editing.

Because the most interesting shooting locations are going to be a bit further afield than the perimeter of the college, it is very likely you will be using lesson time to complete location shoots. This is great, but make sure you email your teacher with exactly what you are doing and where you are. 

Here's the schedule from now until the Xmas holidays. It might seem like you have all the time in the world, but from our experience as teachers, without exception, the best productions are the ones that start and finish early. Something will go wrong, and you need ample time for re-shoots and re-edits and changes of plan.

Click the image to see in full size