Wednesday 9 May 2018

MS4 responses - Examples of sophisticated arguments

To what extent are your chosen texts typical of their genre?

"(Definition) Genre is a way of categorising a media product based on a series of typical styles and features. (Argument) Genre is used by producers engage audiences in the most lazy way possible in order to ensure profit above all else. Producers rarely challenge genre conventions in order to maximise profit. However, there are some exceptions. (Context) I shall argue that both Spectre and The Selfish Giant are extremely typical of their genres in order to ensure profit and to push the ideology of the producer. However, Mad Max: Fury Road is highly atypical, and significantly more successful because of this."

How do your three main texts position audiences?

"(Definition) Positioning refers to how the audience is placed by the producer using technical and visual codes. (Argument) The producer of a media product can therefore use positioning techniques to manipulate the ideology of the audience. This in turn reinforces the societal hegemonic values of the producers, and allows the producer to make profit. (Context) The Jeremy Kyle Show invites the working class audience to ridicule the working class themselves, reinforcing stereotypes. Blue Planet II presents an environmental ideology, using emotional, manipulative images to position the audience, while Westworld presents a feminist ideology to the audience, again using manipulative and transgressive themes and imagery."

Thanks to the students who attended the workshop for providing these excellent responses!