Monday 9 December 2019

Mini-mock preparation and questions

Complete the following steps and you will  doubtlessly succeed!

1) Read the questions and pick one

Image result for les revenants
Here they are:

Jean Baudrillard suggested that “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” Evaluate the extent to which this postmodernist statement applies Humans and Les Revenants

Compared with the past, David Gauntlett argues that in the media today ‘we no longer get singular, straightforward messages about ideal types of male and female identities.’ Evaluate the validity of this claim with reference to the set episode of Humans and Les Revenants

Liesbet Van-Zoonen argues that media language encodes how male and female characters act in media products. Explore how representations position the audience in Humans and Les Revenants

2) Prepare for the mock using the theory list

Remember: this mini-mock is open book. This means you will be marked on the expectation that you will have prepared for this question, so make sure you have notes to bring in to the exam. Bare minimum: know the theory you are evaluating, and come to a point of view one way or the other on how useful it is. Top tip: if in doubt, just agree that the theory is useful!

3) Prepare for the mock using key scenes

Use the episodes, both of which are available, to build detailed key scene analysis for your choice of question.

Again, it's open book this time. You can't copy and paste (I will know!) but you are expected to have done some preparation!

4) Use the blog to read past paper responses and scene analysis

Did you know that if you use the labels bar just under the blog's header image, you can filter to posts that are relevant to what you are doing? So go ahead and click on the bit that says 'TV'. You can also click here. Keep scrolling down to find LOTS of important information about structuring an answer.

Remember: open book = high expectations