Tuesday 12 July 2022

Second year learning conversations (Michael's classes)

A learning conversation is a chat you have with your teacher about how you're doing in the subject. It's also an excellent opportunity to think ahead for the future. At our college, we are very keen on you having a vision for how you are going to achieve success, and this activity will help you achieve it. No, it will!

(If Michael is your teacher then things are a little mixed up this year, and you may well end up having your learning conversation a little later. Please keep an eye on your emails) 

In preparation for your upcoming learning conversation, it would be extremely helpful if you could answer the following questions in as much detail as possible on your blog. Please make sure you publish your blog post so I can actually see it!

  • What grade did you get in your recent mock? And what feedback did you get? (if you do not know, please check your email and click here to check out the blog post that breaks down the exam and explains the feedback system)
  • How are you going to action this feedback? What are you going to do better next time?
  • What do you think has gone particularly well so far in the course? What are your strengths?
  • What is stopping you from achieving your goals? What threats might you face, (for example not enough time, lack of organisation, pressure from other subjects...)
  • Identify 3 specific targets for yourself for next year. They can be both academic and organisational goals.
  • What grade do you want to achieve in media studies? Consider the grade you got in your recent mock. Are you trying to get the same grade, or higher?
  • What job to you want to get after you've finished education (this can be really vague!)