Monday 26 September 2022

How does mise en scene construct meaning in this Louis Vuitton print advert ?

  • The Louis Vuitton advert is selling a luxurious, relaxed and wealthy lifestyle to the target audience.
  • This is constructed through the beach setting, which has connotations of wealth and exclusivity 
  • The use of light colours has connotations of positivity and warmth, which constructs an attractive atmosphere for the target audience 
  • The mise en scene of the model's watch strap is in a deep brown and timeless colour, which has connotations of class and luxury, which suggests the target audience is wealthy and middle class 
  • The model's pose is relaxed, confident and comfortable, which is further reinforced by his slightly humorous and relaxed facial expression
  • The model's costume is at odds with the setting, which may suggest that he is on a spontaneous trip, and therefore can easily afford such luxury. This is further reinforced by his smug facial expression, which has connotations of confidence and pride
  • The MES of the stained decks emphasises the model's groomed and polished nature 
  • The model's bag trousers are both wet, which suggests that they have been in the ocean. This has connotations of carelessness and a completely stress free lifestyle 
  • Sean Connery was famous for playing James Bond, a popular franchise with older men. This reinforces the advert's target audience
  • James Bond has symbolic associations with stylish clothing and by selecting this actor, the brand are relating the prestige of James Bond with the prestige of the product 
Thanks P block for your excellent suggestions!