Thursday 24 March 2016

Easter revision - A2 Media

Past paper questions

This Easter, you have a full two weeks to revise everything we have covered so far, and to begin to read ahead for the next topic.

Here are a few past paper questions to get you going:

January 2013

A1. To what extent are the key representations in your three main texts stereotypical? [30]

A2. Explore the genre conventions in your three main texts. [30]


B1. To what extent are stars and/or celebrities important to the promotion of your three main texts? [30]

B2. Explore the different ways your three main texts target their audiences. [30]

B3. Explore the different ways audiences interact with your three main texts. [30]

B4. ‘Distribution is the key to success.’ How far do you agree? Refer to your three main texts in your answer.

June 2013

A1. Explore the narrative structure of your three main texts.

A2. ‘Most texts today mix genres.’ How true is this of your three main texts?


B1. What do texts offer audiences? Refer to your three main texts in your answer.

B2. How do your three main texts use digital technology?

B3. How do your three main texts position audiences?

B4. To what extent are your three main texts global?

January 2014

A1. Explore how the key representations in your three main texts have been constructed. [30]

A2. Explore how narrative is constructed in your three main texts. [30]


B1. Explore the use of digital technologies in your selected industry. Refer to your three main texts. [30]

B2. How is your chosen industry regulated? Refer to your three main texts. [30]

B3. To what extent do your three main texts appeal to different audiences? [30]

B4. ‘A global audience is important to media industries.’ Discuss this statement with reference to your three main texts.

Revision tips

What you do with these is up to you, and completely depends on your learning style. Here are just two suggestions:

Revision tips

1)      Pick one, set a timer for 50 minutes and complete a response exam style. Mark it yourself, circling references to V&T codes and underlining bits where you applied theory and knowledge, suggesting deeper connotations and meanings for audiences.
2)      Pick one, open a load of your notebooks, revision guides and browser windows, and research the question. Have the films/TV shows on in front of you. Find examples of digital marketing. Remind yourself of how British and American shows are regulated differently. Make notes.

Both have their advantages. I suggest starting with 2, then shutting off everything and writing a response with the research fresh in your head.

In general, revision is more fun if you do it in groups. Do be aware you might be the kind of person who works better alone, maybe with headphones on, listening to relaxing music. There's certainly no right or wrong way to revise!

Thinking ahead - The music industry

I would also like you to start reading ahead for the music industry topic, which is our next topic (after we finish TV).  A good place to start is the Wikipedia page on the subject, which is an excellent general introduction, and will lead you to lots of relevant articles. Remember, we’re looking at the industry in general, not just music videos!

If you REALLY want to think ahead, you can start thinking about your own choice of artist to study. Please make good use of this opportunity to pick an artist you are particularly interested in, and hopefully are an expert in already! They must fit the following criteria:

·         Either group or solo artist
·         Must be British (check if necessary)
·         Must have released a major album in the last five years (so since 2011)
·         Recommended that the artist is ‘somewhat mainstream’ (picking a super obscure artist  can lead to problems, but I would definitely recommend an artist on an independent label. If in doubt, it’s probably best to pick someone ‘big’… you can check this out later on)
·         Any genre is OK, as long as the above requirements have been met. Again, if in doubt, check with me. You have a few weeks to choose anyway (your chosen artist will be the final act we study this year)

Have an awesome holiday!