Wednesday 17 January 2018

Make something. Do it now.

By taking A-level media studies, you automatically have access to a range of audiovisual equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, a range of cameras, tripods, lights, microphones and Macs to edit on.

We would like to remind you that this equipment isn't just for formally assessed coursework! If you have dreams of working in the media industries in a practical context, be this an editor, film maker, or whatever, you are going to have to make media productions.

The only way you can get better at practical work is by doing it, with no exceptions. The strongest media students, and the ones who have gone on to successful careers and undergraduate media production courses, make media projects during their studies.

It doesn't matter whether you are making a low budget slasher film, remaking a music video, a short chase sequence, ten minute comedy short for your Youtube channel or even just testing a new piece of equipment, everything you do will help you to become a better filmmaker and editor, as well as getting a better grade overall.

So please, make use of the equipment while you are still a Long Road student, and get out there and make something!

If you want to book equipment, please use the online booking form, which you can find a link to on the right under 'key resources'.