Wednesday 25 April 2018

MS4 exam help

The following articles will help you revise for the MS4 exam. Remember that the most important thing to prepare is a series of KEY SCENES and EXAMPLES that you can use in the exam. This will involve watching and re-watching the key texts a number of times!

Here you'll find a great rundown of how to structure your MS4 responses.

And here you'll find pretty much the same thing again but in slightly more detail.

This is an example of how to discuss narrative and narrative conventions. Remember, you won't have studied all these case studies, but it will give you some ideas on how to structure your response and to provide an excellent argument.

This is a pretty full on analysis of how Bond films are structured in terms of their narrative. We didn't really get round to talking about a lot of this, so make sure you check it out.

You will (hopefully) be very familiar with this post, which lists pretty much every MS4 past paper question to have ever been published.

This post not only discusses how to use an argument, but also gives some very explicit of examples that you can use. Highly recommended!

You might have missed this recent post about what can come up in industry type questions. Make sure you know what examples to use!

Again, this post uses different examples to the ones that you have looked at, but it's a good example of how to discuss digital technology when talking about the TV industry.

Want to talk about metanarratives in your response? Or just have no idea what they are? Then read this article!

This quick and to the point post discusses how to talk about representation.

Finally, this ridiculously in-depth article answers actual questions from students about the MS4 exam. There are LOTS of examples, suggestions and advice here, so definitely check this one out!