Monday 29 April 2019

Component two revision: the final three weeks

Week commencing Monday 29th April - TV

Week commencing Tuesday 7th May - magazines

Week commencing Monday 13th May - online media

The final three weeks (!) of media studies revolve around component two. Component two is way more full on than component one in many ways, and anything (media language, industry, audience or representation) can come up for any industry.

BUT (and this is a big BUT), there is no uncertainty as you know exactly what you are going to write about. The two examples of each industry are always very different from one another, and have been deliberately selected so you can explore themes and debates and issues and historical contexts. In fct, the big issue for component two is you will have WAY TOO MUCH TO WRITE...

For the next three weeks, we would like you to revise in advance for each topic.

So for the first week, re-familiarise yourself with Humans and Les Revenants. For week two, it's Woman and Adbusters. And for the third week, you'll be revising Zoella and Attitude.

Not that you would dream of bunking, but make sure you do attend these final weeks. We'll not only be revising these set texts in the depth required to achieve the highest grades possible, but we'll also be covering stuff we didn't manage to get to first time round.

And finally, please remember that there are revision workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday plus time. You are more than welcome to attend both, as important information will be disseminated in both sessions, but remember that the Tuesday session is more geared towards students aiming for an A grade, while the Wednesday session is tailored towards ensuring a C grade. Please do not consider the C grade session 'beneath' you. You cannot get an 'A ' grade without first achieving a 'C' grade, and this comes through careful and consistent us of media language.