Tuesday 19 November 2019

Register to vote now!

If you are eighteen now or will turn eighteen before the 12th January, you can (and frankly should) vote in the upcoming UK general election. It's possibly the most important election of the century so far, and the policy and decisions reached from this vote will affect your life substantially. No pressure!

You can register to vote by clicking here. It's really, really easy.

Don't have a clue who to vote for? Well, you should always question the ideological bias of any media platform. But a website like I Side With (click here) can broadly show who your own political ideologies match up with.  Try not to vote based on personalities. You're not actually voting for Corbin or Johnson, but for a range of policies and ideological perspectives. See which party the site suggests, then Google the party's manifesto, and then see what you think!