Thursday 24 March 2022

Revision: No Time To Die (2021)

What choices has the producer made when constructing representations? Make reference to KOTV and No Time To Die

Kneejerk reaction

Both of these posters present stereotypical and straightforward representations of gender and race to reflect the ideologies of the producer


  • The black Bond girl is represented as considerably more aggressive and violent than the other, white women in this poster. This representation is constructed through the MES of her gun and the military uniform she is wearing, which has symbolic connotations violence and aggression. This reinforces the ideological perspective than black people in media products take on certain stereotypical roles, and in this case, reinforces the stereotype that black people are dangerous, violent, and sexually attractive. 
  • The black woman's gun forms a binary opposition to the white woman's gun. One is large and aggressive and clearly intended to kill, while the smaller gun is coded as being for protection
  • Binary opposition between the ways the black and white bond girls are dressed reinforces certain stereotypical assumptions in terms of representation. Whole the black woman is dressed in an aggressive and militarististic style, the white woman is dressed in an elegant and frankly very revealing dress. The use of sexualisation here is highly similar to the use of sexualisation in KOTV, and indicates that women are predominantly utilised in media products as a spectacle for a heterosexual male audience
  • The poster presents a very clear hierarchy of importance between the characters, and a white male takes the top of this hierarchy. James Bond represents British people, and is clearly a hyperreal, perfect, idealised representation 
  • There clear indications of othering when representing non-British characters. James Bond is constructed through a binary opposition between him, and his back is turned on the other, predominantly non British character. This constructs the ideology that Great Britain is independent, and more powerful and more important than other nations.
  • A binary opposition drawn between James Bond and the antagonist. Bond is represented as being significantly larger, emphasising his importance. Additionally, the Antagonist has significantly darker features, which stereotypically connotes mysterious, evil and evil nature, which contrasts with the pure and innocent James bond
  • Another binary opposition is constructed between the stereotypically British Bond, and the stereotypically exotic Bond girls. Here, non-British women serve the function of looking beautiful, yet they also also are represented through their foreignness. bell hooks would argue that the representation of women is vastly more complicated than simply gender, and we see here strikingly different representations of black and white women for example