Friday 8 December 2023

bell hooks and Les Revenants

bell hooks - key points

Let’s question and explore each of these points

  • Society is based on it’s exclusions, and we must address this - Exclusion is deliberately not including somebody from society. A good example is in the field of work. Certain roles such as blue collar jobs such as being a mechanic or being a builder see women excluded through old fashioned stereotypes. Women may be made to feel uncomfortable, for example
  • Radical feminism is the only way to address inequality, not just for women, but also men as well! The language and attitudes that subjugate women also subjugate men!
  • We must problematise the world around us! Problematisation is finding inherent flaws and weaknesses in arguments and structures. Rather than simply saying 'that's just the way things are' (which is a great way of thinking about hegemony), we should draw attention to things that cause problems and try to solve them
  • Intersectional, inclusive feminism that recognises that the world is more complex than simply 'men and women' is essential for challenging the patriarchal systems that bind us

Applying hooks 1 - Les Revenants as social exclusion

Key analysis - promotional image

THE MAIN CAST OF LES REVENANTS IS EXCLUSIVELY WHITE. The show is set in the French Alps, in a remote rural location, and the show may reflect the actual ethnic diversity of the area. Additionally, France has very different attitudes to equality a diversity in it’s media production. If this show was made in the UK, there would be a more diverse representation. However, by excluding people of colour from the show, a culture of exclusion is created where potentially black actors and white actors are stereotypes in to certain roles. For example in France as well as the UK, black people are often typecast in crime drams and social dramas. The town that Les Revs is set in has a pub/club, a town hall, a social housing estate, an upper middle class area, a newbuild housing estate, a huge hydroelectric dam… Additionally, by having every character as white, it ‘others’ people of colour through their very exclusion, and suggests that they do not belong in this place. Finally, although the show may ‘realistically’ exclude people of colour, it still focuses on fanciful and highly unrealistic events, such as the dead coming back to life. The diegesis of the world is therefore highly p[problematic. More diverse representations avoid underrepresentation, and allow different people to be included. 

Symbolic annihilation: the complete lack of representation of a certain group of people 

There is a complete lack of representation of people of colour in the main cast of Les Revenants. Perhaps this reflects a stereotype of French rural living? Yet this lack of representation can alienate audiences of colour. Ownership also comes into question here. While the BBC is publicly owned, Les Revenants is produced and published by the privately owned Canal + in France which has far fewer obligations. Additionally, France is a highly postcolonial country, and is institutionally racist in many facets. Les Revenants is a prestige show that demonstrates an exclusive ideology that ultimately excludes people of colour.  

SIDE STEP: is San Junipero inclusive and emancipatory?

While the representation of San Junipero is definitely more diverse, we can also argue that through selecting two extremely stereotypically attractive women, the producer is guilty of fetishizing queerness for the target audience. Additionally, the episode excludes non-stereotypically attractive people. This reinforces the ideology that there is only one way to be attractive! Finally, queer people are othered through the Quagmire scene, where fetish culture is demonstrated as being scary and weird. Both Yorkie and Kelly choose a more straightforward ‘vanilla’ monogamous relationship, which may reinforce heteronormative values

  • Reinforces the stereotype that to be queer is to be repressed and to be a victim
  • Reinforces the stereotype that to be queer is all about clubbing and sex. This could alienate queer audiences. 
  • Their relationship is clearly toxic
  • By casting two very attractive women, the show is guilty of fetishizing lesbian relationships to appeal to an audience, or even queer-baiting, casting heterosexual actors as queer to pay lip service to queer representation

Applying hooks 2 - Les Revenants as inclusive and complex

  • There are a number of progressive, complex representations in Les Revenants that should be acknowledged, even if the show has shortcomings (!) in terms of racial diversity (i.e. there is none)
  • The family dynamic of divorced parents and a ‘new dad’ 
  • Lena is a positive representation of a sexually adventurous young woman 
  • Simon is a serious young man who rudely rejects Lena
  • Camille is a quiet and withdrawn teenage girl who rejects certain stereotypes 
  • The town isn't just beautiful, it is also threatening and imposing, with a real mix of people of social class
  • Despite being monoracial in terms of representation, Les Revs has a range of different characters
  • Victor: completely enigmatic and mysterious 
  • A range of different characteristics to identify with, regardless of personal identity 
  • Simon - not interested in pursuing sex with Lena, serious and mysterious 
  • Mr Costa - suddenly overcome with murderous intent, highly atypical representation of an older person! Seeing old people represented in TV shows is a rarity!
  • The twins and the weird link!
  • While we must consider this from a French perspective, from a British perspective, Lena is a refreshing character as she is not criticised for having multiple sexual partners and enjoying her life 

Key analysis: Julie and Victor 

In what ways is Julie a complex representation?

  • Julie is a home help, a working class job that requires the worker to be on call around the clock
  • Her vocal delivery is fed up, flat, miserable, a highly atypical representation of young women 
  • Julie takes public transport in the middle of the night. However, she is absolutely not concerned and instead seems bored and fed up. This subverts the expectation that women are often categorised as victims 
  • Julie seems to be unconcerned about Victor aside from a sense of straightforward obligation to him, which subverts stereotypical representations of women 
  • Julie’s costume is modest, and ill thought out with a shirt, oversized jeans and an oversized jumper. Julie is dressed for comfort rather than style 
Julie is a complex and atypical representation of a woman. Her job is perhaps stereotypical of a woman, being a home help, and suggests a caring nature. However, she sounds particularly not interested in Mr Costa’s situation. Additionally, Julie is watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in a darkened room. Her costume is somewhat masculine, with baggy jeans, a shirt and an oversized jumper. By living alone, it is symbolically insinuated that Julie is an independent woman, and is clearly capable of looking after herself. Julie’s social housing flat is covered in tasteful posters and stacks of paperback books, suggesting that she is educated and of a lower income. Her representation is highly nuanced and avoids commonly held stereotypes that exist about working class people