Friday 8 December 2023

Indie news - alternative media outlets

James Curran and Jean Seaton argued that in spite of the growing conglomeration of media platforms, there also exist a range of alternative, independently owned sources that position themselves as an alternative to the mainstream. Two examples of alternative UK news media have been listed below, one predominantly aligned with the political left, the other the political right. Check out the below websites, and consider the following questions.

In the interests of political neutrality, I have selected two very different and ideologically opposed non-mainstream news sources. What is interesting is that the far right publication is, if anything MORE vociferously opposed to the conservative party! Do remember that the world of politics and political affiliation is far more complex than simply 'being' Labour or Tory! And it is this very dissatisfaction with the current model of government that both publications are tapping in to.

How do these websites position these audiences?

How do these websites meet the needs of their audiences?

What opportunities do these websites present for audience interaction?