Monday 25 March 2024

Applying reception theory: how can different audiences interpret Zoe Sugg?

Reception theory refers to how different audiences can interpret the ideology of a media product based on their own culture, circumstances, background, age, sexuality….

However the producer will use media language to encode a particular ideology, and to weigh down the meaning. This process is called anchorage. 

A Very Homey Weekend | ad

Dominant ideological perspective: How does Zoe Sugg position her audience through ideological perspectives?

A relatable and realistic representation of women and their lifestyle is constructed through the video. Sugg cultivates a consumerist and capitalist ideology that self value and beauty standards can be achieved through buying into a very specific set of products, especially cult beauty products. This in turn encodes and cultivates a relaxed atmosphere. A comfortable mode of address is constructed, and suggests a comfortable lifestyle can be achieved through purchasing certain makeup brands, and having a baby

Anchorage: how an ideological perspective is ‘weighed down’ through media language

Preferred readings

  1. "This makes a nice click I like it": Zoella’s performative enjoyment at pushing the lid of her product is encoded in a close up, and emphasises her relatability to her target audiences 
  2. The consistent use of direct mode of address, in addition to her verbal address of the audience constructs a highly relatable and intimate mode of address. This is further anchored through Sugg’s soft delivery, and her discussion of her sleeping baby in the next room. This combination of media language constructs a voyeuristic mode of address that is highly typical of her material. This confusing and highly mediated mode of address that is particularly postmodern.  
  3. A satisfying mode of address is constructed through the shots of Sugg getting ready. The use of time lapse photography, previously prohibitively expensive and difficult is now made easy through digitally convergent technology. This satisfying mode of address constructs a non-demanding watching experience, and encodes an ideological perspective of calm, comfiness and escapism. This is further anchored through the selection of lo-fi instrumental hip-hop, which constructs a relaxing and escapist mode of address. Additionally the video provides the target audience with at least two important gratifications: education (the video functions as a makeup tutorial and shopping list), and entertainment, through the comfy and relaxing MES

Oppositional readings

  1. Some audiences may be frustrated at Sugg’s undisguised commercialism. By drawing attention to the bottle’s function over its contents, Sugg’s is guilty of commodity fetishism, and is fetishizing the style of the product over it’s function
  2. However, it is unlikely that many oppositional readings will occur, as the algorithmic structure of YouTube will mean that this video will only be marketed to her potential and preexisting fans 
  3. However, some audiences (especially non target audiences), may be frustrated and alienated by the perceived waste of time of a 45m long video discussing makeup application. However, due to algorithmically dedicated business practices, it is highly unlikely that oppositional audiences would even be targeted by her content, which allows the video to take a niche mode of address
  4. Certain audiences may be frustrated with the lack of a clear ideology, and even criticise the video for being bland

Negotiated readings

  1. While target audiences may engage with this video and may take important information from Sugg’s clear mode of address, audience members may find Sugg’s address irritating, in particular her admission that she hates her skin may be disingenuous and may distance audiences from her otherwise highly cultivated representation.  In particular audience members who may wish to seek advice for their skin conditions by be alienated by her representation
  2. Sugg sharing her dissatisfaction with her skin may frustrate certain audiences. Clearly a hegemonically attractive woman, audiences may be dissatisfied with the fact that she is constructing a reality remarkably different from the one being portrayed in order to maximise revenue. 
  3. However, through her discussion of her skin and her own dissatisfaction with her body image, including footage of her without makeup. Therefore, certain other audiences, especially those with MH issues may identify and relate to the video
  4. However, her hypereal and idealised representation of motherhood that seemingly completely lacks any representation of her child makes her complaints of motherhood disingenuous and alienating. 
  5. This highly conflicting and contradictory mode of address may frustrate and confuse her target audiences 
  6. Certain audiences may identify with her representation of parenthood, even if they do not fully agree with it 
  7. Certain heterosexual male audiences may watch her videos to fulfil  the male gaze
  8. Additionally, she could provide information to secondary and tertiary audiences to allow them to shop for wives and girlfriends
  9. An escapist fantasy can be provided to the audience, not only through her luxurious lifestyle, but also through the complete lack of conflict in her videos, which makes them perfect for passive viewing. Completely lacking any political ideology