Monday 19 November 2018

Want to do more practical work? Then do more practical work!

A few people mentioned they would like to do more practical work in the recent survey. This is great and all, but please remember that at 30% assessed coursework, A-level media studies is as practical as a course can actually be.

However, that's not to say that you shouldn't be doing practical work. Please remember that we have a wide selection of equipment for you to borrow. In fact, we are actively encouraging you to borrow it. If you want to do practical work, then do practical work. Make a short film, a documentary, a music video for a friend's band, a cheesy slasher film. As long as there's free equipment, you can borrow it, and you can come in and edit at plus time.

You currently have thirteen and a half hours of contact time at Long, and regular holidays too. Even counting wider reading (13.5 hours a week, and making a film definitely counts as wider reading) and a part time job for ten hours a week you're still working less that the average UK employee.

Fun fact: most of your favourite directors made films for free with their friends when they were kids. I want all of you to borrow equipment, to make something, and who cares if it's crap? You'll do better next time. And you have to start somewhere.