Monday 9 May 2022

Revision: back to basics

Basic media terms which indicate K&U (knowledge and understanding)

  • Mise-en-scene
  • Binary oppositions
  • Camera angles 
  • Lexis
  • Editing (fast paced/ slow paced)
  • Lighting (high and low key)
  • Anchorage (how meaning is reinforced or weighed down for the viewer)
  • Shot types (eg CU, MS, LS)
  • Sound (diegetic (in the world of the narrative), non diegetic (outside the world of the narrative)
  • Codes (proairetic, symbolic, hermeneutic)
  • Genre
  • Narrative - unconventional
  • Setting - unconventional representation of France

To what extent are the representations in Les revenants typical of the show's genre?

  • Knee jerk reaction - highly atypical representations!
  • The scene in which Camille returns is notable for simultaneously being both highly typical and atypical. This provides a confusing and highly alienating mode of address for the target audience. 
  • The use of the non-diegetic soundtrack is dark and eerie, yet it never becomes extreme. It remains quiet and in the background of the scene. This constructs an eerie and even frustrating atmosphere for the target audience.
  • Shot counter shot editing which constructs a relationship between Camille and her mother
  • Alternates between low key lighting for Claire and high key lighting for Camille, which represents the opposition between the frames of mind of the characters. However, this subverts the expectations of the audience, and also subverts the expectations of the horror genre as well
  • Use of low key, darkness, and chiaroscuro/high contrast lighting creates a clear divide between the mother and daughter
  • Claire's reaction to seeing Camille (her daughter) return is highly complicated. Initially, she is extremely calm, which is anchored through the MS of  her understated performance. However, she quickly becomes highly anxious, and frantically tidies up to the accompaniment of a stereotypical horror soundtrack. This binary opposition between calm and panic constructs Claire as a highly complex character, and makes her reaction far more relatable to the target audience. This reaction is also highly atypical of the horror genre, as it subverts the stereotype of the hysterical screaming, insane woman.
  • Varied shots of Claire going through different stages of grief reinforces one of the key themes of this show: death and how we deal with it. This complicated idea means that Les Revs is clearly targeting a niche audience
  • Claire is a stereotypical middle class French woman, and is represented through the MES of her plain and understated clothing. Additionally, the action is situated n a conventional, very stylish and very French middle class home. This is anchored through the clean white wall, the high rise ceilings, and the fashionable floor to ceiling windows

Les Revs key themes

  • Horror and the horror genre
  • Migration and immigration (and discrimination)
  • Death and grief
  • Sex
  • These are all big and complicated themes, which help the show target a niche audience, and, more importantly , help it to construct subversive and challenging representations of gender