Monday 9 May 2022

Revision: Les Revs and advanced theories of representation

Judith Butler and gender performativity

  • Gender performativity refers to how our performance of gender affects the world around us
  • Simon is stereotypically attractive and dressed in a hegemonically masculine style. In doing so, he unwittingly attracts Lena. However, Simon subverts this idea, as he is more interested in finding his finance than pursuing casual sex
  • Lena is hegemonically attractive, and rebellious in terms of the MES of her costume. In being being sexually active and not being ashamed pf this, she subverts stereotypical patriarchal hegemony. No consequences for perusing her desire to have sex. However, Lucy is murdered for walking home by herself... Les Revenants definitely presents mixed messages on the representation of women here!
  • Julie is subversive in terms of stereotypical representations of women due to her highly non-sexualised costume. She is therefore not pursued or placed in to any sexual or romantic situations. This subverts Van Zoonen's notion of the male gaze. 
  • Camille is presented as a younger, naïve and innocent teenage girl, and this subverted as the series goes on. Camille also forms a binary opposition with Lena

bell hooks - feminism is for everyone, 

and everyone is involved! Feminism isn't just about being a man or a woman, but your experience of life and how you are treated is also based on gender identities, sexualities, ethnicities, social classes, disabilities, etc etc. This is referred to as intersectional feminism. Feminism is therefore a political struggle.