Tuesday 4 September 2018

Sample paper 2017

Component one

Section A: Analysing Media Language and Representation


Question 1 is based on the unseen audio-visual resource and the WaterAid advertisement
you have studied.

The audio-visual resource consists of a television advertisement which is part of the Save
The Children Most Shocking Second a Day campaign, made in 2014.

You will be allowed one minute to read Question 1.
The advertisement will be shown three times.
First viewing: watch the advertisement.
Second viewing: watch the advertisement and make notes.
You will then have five minutes to make further notes
Third viewing: watch the advertisement and make final notes.
Once the third viewing has finished, you should answer Question 1.

1. Compare how audiences are positioned by the representations in this Save The
Children advertisement and the WaterAid advertisement you have studied.
In your answer you should:
 consider how the representations construct versions of reality
 consider the similarities and differences in how audiences are positioned by the
 make judgements and draw conclusions about how far the representations relate
to relevant media contexts. [30]

Media Language

Question 2 is based on Resource A, the front page of The Sun newspaper (November 2016)
and the front page of The Daily Mail newspaper (November 2016) provided on pages 7 and
8. Study Resource A carefully and use both front pages when answering the question.

2. How does media language incorporate viewpoints and ideologies in these front
pages of The Sun and The Daily Mail? [15]

Section B: Understanding Media Industries and Audiences

3. (a) Briefly explain what is meant by distribution. [2]

(b) How have recent technological changes had an impact on the production and
distribution of newspapers? [10]

(c) What is a media conglomerate? [1]

In Question 3(d), you will be rewarded for drawing together knowledge and understanding
from across your full course of study, including different areas of the theoretical framework
and media contexts.

(d) Explain how ownership shapes media products. Refer to The Daily Mirror to
support your points. [12]

4. (a) Explain how national and global audiences can be reached through different
media technologies and platforms. Refer to Late Night Woman's Hour to
support your points. [8]

(b) How do media organisations meet the needs of specialised audiences? Refer
to Late Night Woman's Hour to support your points. [12]

Component two


Humans and The Returned
2. (a) To what extent can the set episode of Humans be seen as postmodern? [15]
(b) Television production takes place within an economic context. Discuss the
influence of economic factors on The Returned. [15]


Option 1: Woman and Adbusters
4. Compared with the past, David Gauntlett argues that in the media today ‘we no
longer get singular, straightforward messages about ideal types of male and female
Evaluate the validity of this claim with reference to the set editions of Woman and
Adbusters and the historical contexts in which they were produced. [30]


Option 2: Zoella and Attitude
8. How far can aspects of identity be seen to affect the way in which audiences use
online media? Discuss, with reference to Zoella and Attitude. [30]
You should refer to relevant academic theories in your response.