Tuesday 4 September 2018

Sample paper February 2018

Component one

Section A: Analysing Media Language and Representation


Question 1 is based on the unseen audio-visual resource and the music video
you have studied: Formation or Dream.

The audio-visual resource consists of the Guinness: Compton Cowboys television advertisement, released in 2017.

You will be allowed one minute to read Question 1.
The advertisement will be shown three times.
First viewing: watch the advertisement.
Second viewing: watch the advertisement and make notes.
You will then have five minutes to make further notes
Third viewing: watch the advertisement and make final notes.
Once the third viewing has finished, you should answer Question 1.

1. Compare the ideologies conveyed through the representations in this television advertisement and the music video you have studied.
In your answer, you must:
 consider how representations convey ideologies
 consider the similarities and differences in the ideologies conveyed
 make judgements and draw conclusions about how far social and cultural contexts affect the representations. [30]

Media Language
Click to see in full resolution

Question 2 is based on an unseen film poster for Let Me In, released in 2010. Study the film poster carefully before answering the question.

2. Explore how codes and conventions create meaning in this film poster. [15]

Section B: Understanding Media Industries and Audiences

3. (a) Briefly explain what is meant by diversification in media industries. [2]

(b) Explain the impact of recent technological changes on the video games industry. Refer to Assassin's Creed III: Liberation to support your points. [8]

In Question 3(c), you will be rewarded for drawing together knowledge and understanding from across your full course of study, including different areas of the theoretical framework and media contexts.

(c) Explain how the producers of video games ensure their financial success. Refer to Assassin's Creed III: Liberation to support your points. [15]

4. (a) Explain how advertisements target audiences. Refer to the WaterAid advertisement you have studied to support your points. [8]

(b) Explain how historical contexts influence audience interpretations of media products. Refer to the Tide advertisement you have studied to support your points. [12]

Component two


Option 2: Humans and The Returned
2. According to Claude Lévi-Strauss, texts convey their meanings through a system of binary oppositions.
Evaluate this structuralist theory. Refer to the set episodes of Humans and The Returned in your response.


Option 1: Woman and Adbusters
4. How significant are economic factors in the magazine industry? Refer to Woman and Adbusters in your answer. [30]


Option 2: Zoella and Attitude
8 (a). Explain how social and cultural contexts influence responses to online media products. Refer to Zoella to support your response. [15]
(b). Explore how the representations on Attitude’s website position audiences. [15]